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Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package nictiz.fhir.nl.stu3.zib2017#2.2.20 (78 ms)

Package nictiz.fhir.nl.stu3.zib2017
Type StructureDefinition
Id Id
FHIR Version R3
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=nictiz.fhir.nl.stu3.zib2017@2.2.20&canonical=http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-FeedingTubeSystem-EnteralNutrition
Url http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-FeedingTubeSystem-EnteralNutrition
Version 1.0.1
Status active
Name Zib FeedingTubeSystem EnteralNutrition
Title HCIM FeedingTubeSystem EnteralNutrition
Experimental False
Realm nl
Authority hl7
Description Information about the enteral nutrition in a feeding tube system based on a reference as defined by the Dutch Health and Care Information models (Dutch: Zorginformatiebouwsteen or zib) 'FeedingTubeSystem'.
Purpose To provide information about the enteral nutrition in a feeding tube system. Currently, there is no field avaiblable in a DeviceUseStatement resource for this information, hence the reason for this extension.
Copyright CC0
Type Extension
Kind complex-type

Resources that use this resource

http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-FeedingTubeSystem HCIM FeedingTubeSystem

Resources that this resource uses

http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-MedicationAdministration HCIM Medication Administration


  "resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
  "id" : "zib-FeedingTubeSystem-EnteralNutrition",
  "url" : "http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-FeedingTubeSystem-EnteralNutrition",
  "version" : "1.0.1",
  "name" : "Zib FeedingTubeSystem EnteralNutrition",
  "title" : "HCIM FeedingTubeSystem EnteralNutrition",
  "status" : "active",
  "publisher" : "Nictiz",
  "contact" : [
      "name" : "Nictiz",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "https://www.nictiz.nl",
          "use" : "work"
  "description" : "Information about the enteral nutrition in a feeding tube system based on a reference as defined by the Dutch Health and Care Information models (Dutch: Zorginformatiebouwsteen or zib) 'FeedingTubeSystem'.",
  "purpose" : "To provide information about the enteral nutrition in a feeding tube system. Currently, there is no field avaiblable in a DeviceUseStatement resource for this information, hence the reason for this extension.",
  "copyright" : "CC0",
  "fhirVersion" : "3.0.2",
  "kind" : "complex-type",
  "abstract" : false,
  "contextType" : "resource",
  "context" : [
  "type" : "Extension",
  "baseDefinition" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Extension",
  "derivation" : "constraint",
  "differential" : {
    "element" : [
        "id" : "Extension",
        "path" : "Extension",
        "short" : "EnteralNutrition",
        "definition" : "The description of the fluid administered through the feeding tube and the dose administered, as given in the medication prescription.\r\n\r\nThough most cases involve food being administered through the feeding tube, medication is often administered through these tubes as well.",
        "alias" : [
        "id" : "Extension.url",
        "path" : "Extension.url",
        "fixedUri" : "http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-FeedingTubeSystem-EnteralNutrition"
        "id" : "Extension.value[x]:valueReference",
        "path" : "Extension.valueReference",
        "sliceName" : "valueReference",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : "http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-MedicationAdministration"
  "text" : {

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